Parliament passes Parliamentary Reform Act
Gave votes to many working-class men. London Society for Women’s Suffrage formed women's suffrage campaign.
Parliament passes Parliamentary Reform Act
Gave votes to many working-class men. London Society for Women’s Suffrage formed women's suffrage campaign.
British Reform Bill of 1867, May 11, 1867, (Harp Week)
Married Women’s Property Act
Allowed married women to own property.
Elementary Education Act allowed female property owners to vote and serve in school boards.
Is Marriage A Failure? As A Rule, Yes!, n.d., (Police News)
Local Government Act
Allowed women to vote in elections in county and borough councils.
Formation of NUWSS (National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies)
Established by Millicent Fawcett
Peacefully attempted to gain Women's Suffrage.
Millicent Fawcett Speaking at the Suffragette Pilgrimage in Hyde Park, London., n.d., (PA Wire)
Formation of WSPU (Women’s Social and Political Union)
Frustrated by the lack of change, the WSPU was established by Emmeline Pankhurst.
'Deeds Not Words', n.d., Anglotopia